Hi! I’m Indie.

Welcome to my corner of the internet. I’m based in Brighton (via London) sharing the ancestral practices of Yoga and Ayurveda and holistic wellness to support healing and reconnection to the self. These modalities hold me on the journey of reclamation to my true self and I take great joy in offering these to you.

The Story So Far.

In the journey of reconnecting with myself through faith, culture and spirituality, Yoga and Ayurveda came along and lit a fire of their own. In going back to study, it deepened the relationship with myself whilst really activating my love for being of support for others on a journey of their own.

This is how I came to find my way back to working with my hands, with others and nature through the power of touch and holistic wellbeing. Taking in the entire person rather than a set of symptoms, which the sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda do very well.

For as long as I can remember, making and creating with my hands has been my way of making sense of things around, within and feeling connected. Nothing is the same as playing with watercolours to interpret my emotions or the feeling of wet clay between my fingers to make something out of seemingly nothing.

This way of turning my hand to different things, saw me train as a jewellery designer, explore the fashion industry, beauty industry, tech world, social enterprise and sustainability. But it all came to a point where I just couldn’t find my place. I didn’t belong, feel seen or fulfilled. This disconnection to ourselves is woven into our very society. In finding ways to support myself, I increasingly found that the practices I turned to, were places I didn’t feel welcome or were diluted versions of what I knew were more than met the eye.

All of this sparked something in me. Not feeling represented in Western wellness roused a desire to change things. Not only for myself, but for others too. I wanted to share what I had gone on to learn and support those that felt similarly and wanted to change that. We all deserve to feel well. We all deserve to feel seen and heard.   

So instead of struggling through it all, let’s start from where you are and go from there, informed by these ways of healing that have stood the test of time.

Photo Credit : Photo Replica

Words of gratitude.

I wouldn’t be here without the resilience of my ancestors and the struggles of my grandparents and parents. I honour their experiences and remember them in my healing.

I have much respect and gratitude to my teachers on this journey for sharing their knowledge so freely and generously. With deep thanks to my Nana and Nani, Susanna Barkataki and the entire Ignite team and faculty, Melissa Shah, Tejal Patel, Anjali Rao, Om Luvena Rangel, Scott Davis, Kallie Schut, Dr Deepa Apte, Shantala Sriramaiah, Prasad Rangnekar, Amanda, Polly and Esme at Relax LDN, Arundhati Baitmangalkar, Kewal Singh Talwadia.

With love to my closest friends and family for supporting me no matter what, whilst entertaining my wild ideas. Finally to Rav, for all your patience and encouragement of my dreams.

No one builds their business by themselves, there is always a whole host of support you call upon. A huge thank you to everyone that has supported my vision for Indie Wellness.
Photography: Nadia Meli & Daria Szotek
Photo Locations: Holly at Studio io, Marta at Floating Feather Therapies
Space to train: Fiona at The Sun Clinic
Copy Support: Emily Spivey
Illustration: Isher Dhiman
SEO: Samantha Symonds & Emily Jones
Website design support & guidance: Rav Foolheea